
Weekly Reminders

"Who Are We?"

Psalm 8

Judge Tom Hodges

Have you ever camped out at night, far away from the city, and found yourself amazed at the brightness of the stars? Did gazing at the stars give you a sense of awe at the power of God who created them? Did looking at the stars make you feel insignificant? You are not the first person to have felt this way. Probably while watching his sheep on a particularly clear, and star-filled night, David, led by God’s Spirit, had similar thoughts and observations and wrote them down. Join us as we look at Psalm 8 this week, asking David’s question, “who are we that God should care about us?” Worship in person and via the livestream are available at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m.

Pastor John

News & Announcements

Picture Days!
It is going to be great to have an updated church directory complete with pictures! If you missed getting your picture taken on 10/6, please come and smile for the camera at EFMC on 10/20. Pictures will be taken in the Fellowship Hall between 10 – 11 a.m.
Invite your friends, family, former members, and even the people living down the street – Sunday, Oct. 27th is our Homecoming Sunday. Coming back to Elberton to be our guest preacher is the Rev. Wallace Wheeles. Since Rev. Wheeles founded the contemporary service, our Homecoming Service will be in the Crossroads Center. Following the service, we will be once again enjoying a lunch together in the Fellowship Hall, with the church providing the meat and all who are attending being asked to bring side dishes to share. If you are planning to attend the meal, please sign up and indicate what you are bringing to share. A sign-up sheet will be passed around on Sunday morning.
Check It Out:
We have a new link at the church webpage – www.axis.com. And axis is what an object revolves, like gravity, this website is full of information on understanding what youth and young adults revolve around. Join their free newsletter, “The Culture Translator” to receive a “weekly email to help you stay up to date on the music, movies, TV shows, and social media trends impacting your kid’s world.”
Evening Chapel Service
With Ron Martin out of town, Pastor John will be speaking at the chapel service this Sunday. He’s sharing on the Old Testament Fall Festivals. The question is, does the calendar that God gave the Israelites have any relevance for us today? Come and see! All are welcome; we meet in the chapel at 6 p.m.
As we prepare for the Christmas season, we are now accepting donations for the beautiful poinsettias that will be displayed throughout the church. Poinsettias can be donated in honor of or in memory of a loved one for $10 each.

Forms will be available at the entrances and on the church website; all donations must be submitted by Monday, November 4th.
Our annual Youth Fall Festival fundraiser is October 30th from 5:30-8:00 and we need volunteers for the following to help make our event successful!
-Cakes / desserts / misc. sweet treats
-Candy for prizes
-Trunk-or-Treat participants (if you need help with a theme please call the church office) Please let Bryce or Jodi know if you plan to do a Trunk so we make sure we have enough.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Sunday, October 20
9:00 am - Contemporary Service
10:00 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Traditional Service
6:00 pm - Evening Chapel Service

Tuesday, October 22
7:00 am - Biscuits & Bibles
6:00 pm - Bible Study

Wednesday, October 23
5:30 pm - Wesley Ringers
6:00 pm - 1st Kids
6:00 pm - Fields of Faith (Granite Bowl)
6:30 pm - Praise Band Rehearsal
6:30 pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, October 24
7:30 am - Lumberjacks Men’s Bible Study

Giving & Attendance Report

Sunday, October 13, 2024
General Fund
Contributions this week......................................... $6,431.55
Contributions to date........................................ $359,570.55
Attendance Report
In-Person Worship .............................................................126
Sunday School.....................................................................26
Thank you all for your generous, faithful, and sacrificial giving. All donations help! We need to average $8,940 per week to meet the 2024 Budget.
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