

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
There's something for everyone! Below you'll find many service opportunities. If you would like more information about any of these ministry areas, feel free to fill out the contact form or call the church office!

Welcome & Hospitality

Our hospitality team is vital to keeping Elberton First Methodist a welcoming environment for everyone who enters our facility! This includes Greeters, Ushers, Acolytes, Altar Guild, and Liturgists. 

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir leads worship every Sunday in the 11 am Traditional Worship Service. Join us Wednesday night's at 6:30pm in the Choir Room for rehearsal.

Praise Band

The praise team leads worship in the 9 am Contemporary Worship service. Rehearsals are Wednesdays - 6 pm
Musicians & vocalists needed

Digital Worship Team

If you love technology or are interested in running sound or video, this is for you! The production team runs sound and video in both services.

Home EquipMENT Ministry

The home equipment ministry offers loans to individuals needing a wheelchair, walker, walking stick, crutches, or other personal assistant equipment. If you or anyone you know has such a need, please call the church office or 706-340-5104. You may also use the above contact information to donate items no longer needed.

Congregational Care Team

This team is dedicated to providing various forms of support, care, and assistance to members of the congregation. The primary purpose of this team is to ensure the well-being and spiritual and emotional support of church members during various life events and circumstances.

Blood Drive

We host 3 Blood Drives per year in April, August, and December. There are several ways to volunteer. You can give blood or bring snacks for the other participants who are donating blood. Autumn Wright is our Blood Drive Coordinator.

1st Kids & 1st Youth

We're always looking for volunteers for our student ministries! To volunteer, you must submit and application and pass a background check prior to serving. Email Bryce Keely at bryce@elbertonfmc.com to start the application process.

Transportation Ministry

If you feel led to help out those in our church with transportation needs (doctors appointments, grocery shopping, etc.), let Bryce (bryce@elbertonfmc.com) know or contact the church office to be put on the list of volunteers for our Transportation Ministry!

Ready to volunteer?

Click the button below and fill out the form!