
Weekly Reminders

"The Greatest Commandment"

Matthew 22:36 - 40, NIV

Judge Tom Hodges

We will be celebrating Laity Sunday this week with John Jenkins, Josh Rider, Jeannie Jourolmon, Judge Chris Phelps and others helping to lead the worship services. The message will be brought by Judge Tom Hodges, preaching on “The Greatest Commandment” from Matthew 22:36-40. Just to start thinking ahead about the message, how do we really love God with “all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And how do we truly “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Join us in person Sunday at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. or remotely via the livestream on the internet.

News & Announcements

The Salvation Army Leading The Way
Did you know that the Salvation Army is the largest nongovernment provider of social services in the United States? It is, and our own Elberton branch is doing its part! Lead by our EFMC Missions Chair, PJo Phelps, on the day after the storm the SA fired up their mobile canteen and started providing meals in communities without power. They served over 1200 meals in the Elberton, Lincolnton, Washington, Crawfordville, and Calhoun Falls communities. Well done, good and faithful servants!
Picture Days!
It is going to be great to have an updated church directory complete with pictures! If you missed getting your picture taken on 10/6, please come and smile for the camera at EFMC on 10/20. Pictures will be taken in the Fellowship Hall between 10 – 11 a.m.
Fall Break
With much of the Young Adult Class on Fall Break, we will be taking Sunday, Oct. 13 off. See you back next week! –Dave Heydinger
Tuesday Night Bible Study
The Bible Study that meets on Tuesday nights will not meet this week, October 15th. We will resume on Tuesday, October 22nd.
Ad Council Meeting
The Administrative Council will meet on Thursday, October 17, at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Homecoming 2024
Invite your friends, family, former members, even the people living down the street – Sunday, Oct. 27th is our Homecoming Sunday. Coming back to Elberton to be our guest preacher is the Rev. Wallace Wheeles. Since Rev. Wheeles founded the contemporary service, our Homecoming Service will be in the Crossroads Center. Following the service, we will be once again enjoying a lunch together in the Fellowship Hall, with the church providing the meat and all who are attending being asked to bring side dishes to share.
Evening Chapel Service
Matthew 24:4-13
Apostasy is falling away, a withdrawal from, or an abandonment of one's Christian faith. We’ll discuss some of what Scripture says about apostasy, and the always saved vs. never was a Christian to begin with debate. When one goes A.W.O.L., they're a defector. Can a Christian go A.W.O.L.? Jesus says yes.
Our annual youth fall festival fundraiser is just around the corner, and we need volunteers for the following to help make our event successful! Cakes/desserts/misc. sweet treats, Trunk-or-Treat participants (if you need help with a theme please call the church office).

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Sunday, October 13
9:00 am - Contemporary Service
10:00 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Traditional Service
6:00 pm - Evening Chapel Service

Monday, October 14
6:30 pm - Finance Meeting

Tuesday, October 15
6:00 pm - Trustees Meeting

Wednesday, October 16
6:00 pm - 1st Youth
6:30 pm - Praise Band Rehearsal
6:30 pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, October 17
7:30 am - Lumberjacks Men’s Bible Study
6:30 pm - Ad Council Meeting

Giving & Attendance Report

Sunday, October 6, 2024
General Fund
Contributions this week....................................... $27,644.66
Contributions to date........................................ $353,139.00
Attendance Report
In-Person Worship ............................................................. 129
Sunday School.................................................................... 45
Online................................................................................... 225
Thank you all for your generous, faithful, and sacrificial giving. All donations help! We need to average $8,940 per week to meet the 2024 Budget.
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