Vacation Bible School
VBS planning is well underway!
We are so excited for Vacation Bible School this summer! The dates are set for Monday, July 15th through Friday, July 19th. We had a successful first planning meeting on Monday, May 6th, were we announced the theme for this year, began tossing around ideas for the week's events, and began assigning volunteers to each station.
If you are not familiar with VBS, it is a week-long journey filled with laughter, learning, and love! It's a chance for children to dive into exciting Bible stories, create crafts, play games, and make new friends—all while growing closer to God.
If you are not familiar with VBS, it is a week-long journey filled with laughter, learning, and love! It's a chance for children to dive into exciting Bible stories, create crafts, play games, and make new friends—all while growing closer to God.
This year's theme:

Week Outline:
Day 1: Jesus had a family and a name... we do too.
Day 2: Jesus had a home... we do too.
Day 3: Jesus went to church… we do too.
Day 4: Jesus served others… we do too.
Day 5: Family Fun Night
- Luke 1:26-38 (Mary is chosen to be Jesus' mother) / Luke 2:1-40 (Jesus is born and gets His name)
Day 2: Jesus had a home... we do too.
- Matthew 2:13-14, 19-23 (Jesus’ family escapes to Egypt)
Day 3: Jesus went to church… we do too.
- Luke 2:41-52 (Jesus goes to the Temple)
Day 4: Jesus served others… we do too.
- John 2:1-12 (Jesus does a miracle in Cana)
Day 5: Family Fun Night
We still have a lot of planning to do, stay tuned for more information! If you are interested in helping us plan, please contact Jake Harper or Bryce Keely in the church office. The office phone number is (706) 283-1863.
If you are interested in volunteering as a station leader, tribe leader, etc., click the button below and fill out the form.
Registration is now open! Click the button below to register your child.
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